About the Programme
This programme will support the natural expansion of your business or career, and the unfolding of your potential.The great sports coach Timothy Gallwey said that Performance = Potential – Interference.From a systemic point of view, questions about business and career development often show us a pull between two forces:The first is a natural unfolding movement which draws us towards the work we feel called to do and the people who most want and need it. Co-operating with that movement is what puts us into our flow.The other is the limiting patterns of thought and action which interfere with the expression of that movement. To allow ourselves to fully express our potential and contribution, to enter our flow, we often need to shift those patterns. This programme will show you how.In this course, you will learn how to sense and align with the natural movement of your flow, and how to get enough freedom from your patterns to allow you to express yourself. The process of transformation is structured into three tracks: Clarifying Your Patterns, Creating More Freedom and Stepping into Flow.
Clarifying your Patterns
At its core, a business is a relationship of exchange. You give something of value, and take payment in return. We will start by exploring your deepest patterns of giving and taking, and how they drive the flow of money and energy through your life.In our culture, we are strongly rewarded for giving, and much less encouraged to take. A tree can only create its fruit if it takes in enough water, light and nutrients. We are the same. Giving without enough taking is draining and not sustainable.
To expand our impact and contribution, we often need more freedom to take: more resources, more support and more reward.As part of this track, we will look at your money patterns, and how they have shaped your business and career. Money patterns can affect your success just as much as the nature and quality of your work. Patterns that stop you from taking can cause many issues, including:• Feeling frustration about client flow, charging and growth
• Finding your costs eat all of your income, so there is little left for you
• Working for security when your heart is longing for change
• Letting fear stop you investing in your business and your future
• Over-giving to your business, so there is not enough time and space for you
Creating more Freedom
Many of the deepest issues we face at work have their roots in our family history. We often repeat the patterns we learned there, despite our best efforts to change.In this track, we will explore the source of your patterns in your earliest experiences of taking in life, and in the money patterns that run in your family.Using the systemic approach, you will learn to let go of your core restricting patterns, and find a new freedom to access flow and open up to more abundance.‘I have never experienced something being so lifted away. I physically had the experience of a veil being taken off. It has been wonderful. It is still wonderful.’ Founder, Digital Branding Agency'What mighty work you do! I have been feeling relaxed and easy ever since. Another me. Free.’ Director, Photographic Agency
Stepping into Flow
As you gain more freedom from your patterns, you can co-operate more easily with the natural movement of expansion and unfolding that your business or career wants to make. Your new inner freedom will create very different outer possibilities.In this track, you will learn tools to sense and align with the work that you are called to do and the people who need and want it. You will use that awareness to design all the stages of your business development process, including:• How to find the clients who are looking for the work you are called to do
• How to position your offer to attract the people who want and need you
• How to bring clients through a customer journey from first contact into the deep transformation at the core of your workAs a whole, this programme is designed to give you the freedom and clarity to increase your service and your impact. It will support you to step up into the work life wants from you, to make a greater contribution, feel a greater sense of fulfillment, and receive a greater reward.
Programme Structure
The programme is delivered live online. There are 10 modules of 2 x half days.
Each session will run from 8.00 am to 12.00 noon UK time.The next programme will begin at the end of 2025. To be informed of the dates when booking opens, please contact: [email protected]
Finding Your Flow Taster Session
If you would like to try out the systemic approach and Caroline’s teaching, we are offering a Finding Your Flow Taster Session on Monday May 19th Online. It will run from 8.00 am to 14.00 UK time.This session is a practical, hands-on way to experience the impact of this work. You will:• Explore your own patterns and see how they drive the flow of money and energy in your life
• Gain a completely new perspective on where your patterns might have come from and how you can resolve them
• Take part in a full demonstration piece of work to resolve a limiting money pattern for a member of the group
Come and find out how the systemic approach could create extraordinary transformation for you.The fee is GBP £180 and there is an early bird rate of £120 for bookings made by February 28th.Places are limited and early booking is recommended.
To book or for more information about the Taster Session, please get in touch at [email protected]
About the Trainer
Caroline Ward runs a consultancy in London. She uses the systemic approach to help her clients to unlock innovation and growth. Her clients are international and include corporate, entrepreneurial and creative organisations.Caroline has led business development and growth through senior roles in communications, account management and market research, in both corporate and entrepreneurial businesses.Recognised internationally as one of the leading teachers of the systemic approach, Caroline has taught this work in congresses, corporations and business schools all over the world.Find out more about Caroline Ward at: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/carolinewardconsulting
How to Book
No previous experience of the Systemic Approach is needed to take this programme.
To book or for more information about Finding Your Flow, please contact: [email protected]
Client Feedback on Caroline's Work with Flow
‘Since we started our work with Caroline we have tripled our income. There is more meaning and purpose in what we do now. The projects are the kind we have been speaking about but had not been able to find the clients for. We have had the most amazing feedback. It is a huge change.'Founder, Marketing Agency‘The evening after our work I produced something quite out of the blue that broke through everything I've been frustrated by in my creative project. It really did come out of nowhere, and was a form I have been trying to make happen for years. Now I have a business plan, an illustrator and I’m making it happen – publication, events, consulting, coaching.’Author and Consultant‘Out of nowhere I am getting requests, and people are coming back after a while. It has definitely moved. I am getting offers, I am selected by clients in places I never looked before. This is the best quarter ever in my business.’Executive Coach‘Extraordinarily I have been painting since the day after we worked. I have just completed a commission that I started over a year ago and have been entirely unable to work on since – the feeling is absolutely glorious.’Artist‘Caroline Ward is one of those rare souls that has a deep command of business and the capital markets while possessing a sharp and seasoned skill to get to the heart of the matter from a psychological perspective. She takes leaders deeper into their power and purpose. If you are fortunate enough to come across Caroline’s path, do whatever you can to drink up her wisdom.'CEO Sustainable Wealth Management Advisory‘I feel more solid. I have more ground. I am more present, more excited, more visible, more powerful. Every time I work with Caroline, I grow and my business grows.’Founder, Transformation Consultancy